Long ago, the world of Alganon was born unto the universe as a gift to the gods. Out of respect to the universe for its gift, the gods blessed Alganon by creating a master race of giants. These legendary titans were known as the colossus-born, or Fek'zah in the ancient tongue, translating as "the first". They were the children of the gods, and were said to be towering creatures of such size and might they could move the very mountains with their hands. They built magnificent cities reaching into the heavens, and dug so deep into the planet they were able to drink from the very blood of its core. When they were at war, entire continents broke apart, and the very center of the planet shook with fury.
Masters of the world and all living things, rich with culture and a love for their home, the colossus-born abandoned their gods, believing themselves to be just as powerful. The gods had no choice but to strike down a number of the colossus-born as a sign of their superior power, and to serve as a warning to their children; they must worship their creators or suffer the consequences. Unfortunately, the gods did not anticipate the response from their creation. Pure focused rage towards the gods and what they had done consumed the massive race. They tore the planet apart in blind fury as they fought to vanquish the gods and erase every sign of them from the world, even if it resulted in the total destruction of everything they had come to love and cherish.
Heartbroken with such a wave of guilt and sadness, the gods responded the only way they could. They struck down every living colossus-born on the face of the planet, destroying every creation built by their children. In an instance, the massive cities, culture, language, magic, and love for Alganon held by these giants was gone forever.
Alganon had been devastated. The damage was nearly unmanageable. The gods considered abandoning the world, but the remaining tattered remnants of life clinging on just to survive caught their already wounded hearts.
The gods contemplated the source of their now lost children's demise; where did they go wrong? They realized the biggest mistake had been in creating their children as giants; nearly gods themselves - able to dominate the world any way they saw fit.
The gods would not make the same mistake again.
It was decided they would create new races; tough, intelligent, capable races to help rebuild the world. But this time, the new races must be smaller, more appreciative and respectful of their life and the world around them, therefore more fragile. These new races also had to be created with an innate need to create things. Forests needed to be planted, cities needed to be built, oceans needed to be cleaned, animals needed to be controlled, and most importantly, the gods needed to be worshiped.
The gods created numerous species to test the result of different breeds and environments. They populated the land, water, and air with both animals and sentient beings of all kinds; however most of the sentient beings did not actively work to rebuild the world to the gods wishes because they did not have proper direction. The gods also learned they would have to create new races physically built for specific tasks. Once they realized this, the gods began to create their new children.
First, they created the Dronar. While tiny compared to their previous creation, the Dronar were very large among the other races to come, a proud subterranean dwelling race that would serve as the strength to help rebuild the world. The gods gave the Dronar a passion for taking on large tasks and building magnificent structures, all while harvesting the precious metals from deep within the earth.
While the Dronar were efficient at building structures and harvesting materials, they lacked the organizational abilities necessary to plan huge tasks. For this reason, the gods created a new more balanced race known as the Humans. They were smaller than the Dronar, more sensitive to their surroundings, and quicker to think and act, yet lacked the drive of labor that the Dronar so cherished. Humans then began to manage the Dronar and direct their work in order to accomplish great tasks quicker and more efficiently.
The gods recognized that their decision to focus on industrialization had caused a serious oversight in the world. Forests were being stripped, and lakes were being poisoned. Realizing their mistake, they needed a race deeply attuned to nature, the lands, all living things, especially the plants and animals. They created the Sylvain, a proud tall extremely intelligent with a talent for the magical arts. The Sylvain learned to work with the Humans and Dronar in peace as the rebuilding took place, helping their friends understand the importance of balance, magic and beauty.
As the population of the world grew and the dark ages slowly began to disappear, the races flourished. At this point, the gods realized their words were not being spread among the new children of the races as quickly as they would have liked. For this reason, they created a race that would spread the word of the gods and pay tribute to those who created them. Thus the Talrok were born, a dark intelligent race, often compared to as the counterpart of the humans, their mission; to spread the word of the gods across the lands and protect the god's interests.
Unlike the other three races, the Talrok were much darker in nature, able to engage in subversion and deception, which was acceptable to the gods as long as it served their will. Over time, a mistrust for the Talrok by the other three races began to form, but this mistrust was silenced as the gods would not hear of any conflict between their new children.
As the races continued their expansion into unknown and ancient lands, they had encounters with many species from the past, some from the ancient times. Unfortunately, many of these encounters resulted in many deaths. For this reason, the gods created a Guardian race that would focus on defending the other races. They were to be a large tribal race that could withstand extreme physical punishment from aggressors, and serve as a buffer for internal conflicts between the races. Thus came the birth of the Ogres, a large muscular simple race burning with the fire of combat and victory.
As the world began to reshape itself, it was soon apparent that one final race was necessary to complete the balance of the five races. With the inert deception built into the Talrok, the gods no longer trusted them as unconditional servants. A buffer had to be created; a new race able to keep a close eye on the other races, report any issues that the gods may want to be made aware of, and was completely dedicated and would not stray from the path of enlightenment. Endowed with an innate knowledge of ancient magic, the gods decided to create the Vesperlings, a race that is still shroud in mystery to this day. An all female race with unknown origins, they hold themselves as the "chosen" of the gods since they have no memory of their birth, therefore believing each must be created by the hand of the god.
While the gods were now complete in their task to create the new races, they kept the history of the world from their children; afraid if they learned of the past, they too would be overcome with either rage or fear.
The second age had begun. While there was some discontent, the new races began to clean and rebuild the world by working together in their own way towards a common goal, but behind the scenes a fracture of allegiances was beginning to take place, paving for a very different future than the gods intended.
The world had been rebuilt and two magnificent cities were created. The first was Asharan, built as the central hub for those who choose to live on their continent - the Humans and Dronar. Perched on top of a beautiful bluff overlooking the Asharan Forest, the city's center was built around a unique growth of power crystals harnessing so much power, they shoot bright light directly into the sky at all times, serving as the shining beacon of the west.
The counterpart to Asharan was Xanjuix Karr, a gigantic metropolis embedded in the side of a great mountain of obsidian, overlooking a lush valley. Built by the Talrok and Ogres, many parts of Xanjuix Karr dug deep into the mountainside to harness the powerful blood of the earth, allowing for great machines of smelting and steel crafting to be constructed.
Within both cities, massive temples to honor the gods which had given life to the world were built.
The Humans, Sylvain and Dronar chose to settle to the west, on a continent known as Ardonya. Proud of their work, the Humans chose Asharan as their home. The Dronar built their capital city of Haderos in the far north, and the Sylvain built their capital city of Aeon on a large lush island off the mainland. They all worked together to build additional towns and cities to create a sprawling thriving empire.
The Talrok, Ogres, and Vesperings chose to settle to the east, on a continent known as Harraja. The Talrok chose Xanjuix Karr as their home, seeking to use the grand temple as their center place of worship. The Ogres built the grand rugged city of Oggath, deep in the southeast jungles, and the Vesperlings built their home of Trazsha on the rolling northwest plains. With additional cities and towns connecting the massive empire, Harraja was soon thriving as Ardonya's counterpart.
While many of the races had grown apart from each other, they were able to congregate with those they felt a kinship with. This created a world that was at peace. The races had worked together toward one focused goal, and now the goal was complete, they had built a new world of their own.
Deviously planned, a new disaster was now awaking from its deep slumber. Planted a millennia ago by the last colossus-born, servants of the long-dead race of giants were now awakening, and had only one purpose in mind: to retake the world in the name of their once powerful masters, and remind the gods of their massive mistake.
Overnight, giant "Gargantuak" demons along with their minions, crawled out from the depths of the earth and began to lay siege to the new and unprepared races. Entire cities were destroyed in a matter of days, and chaos gripped both continents. Massive Leviathans swam up from the bottom of the oceans and devoured the entire fleet of ships serving as the lifeline between the two continents. The connection across the ocean had now been destroyed. The races had to now rely on their land-based neighbors.
The number of deaths was insurmountable, and the races were being killed to the point of extinction in the blink of an eye.
Infuriated by the malicious decision of their previous children, the gods decided to take action. Unable to use their full power for the fear they would once again blacken the entire world, they chose to send their servants to help the new children battle the ancient evil which was invading the lands.
By this time, most of the towns and cities had been obliterated. Both Asharan and Xanjuix Karr were under siege, and the races fought for their very existence against insurmountable odds.
But there was hope. Magnificent servants to the gods arrived to fight beside their children just in time to turn the tide of the war. Not only did the servants create hope for the races, but they reminded each one they were not alone. Imbued with weapons and powers straight from the heavens, the Servants of the gods struck down the demons with such ferocity that it shook the very earth and spread the ashes of the fallen dark creatures across the sky.
With the help of the gods' servants, the new races won the battles, and the dark minions of the colossus-born were driven away or destroyed. However, the world was in near-ruin; the only glimmer of hope coming from the still-standing capital cities.
After the war, the servants of the gods disappeared into the unexplored areas of the world, pledging to return once again in a time of need. Once the victory of the war had disappeared, the races realized they were shattered and once again alone. Most of them had been killed, and the few survivors put the training of combat, magic, crafting, and knowledge as their most important goals. The shipping lane between the two continents was not re-established, and over the next millennia, those who were separated by the great body of water lost any and all previous relationship.
Ardonya and Harraja became their own separate and self-sustaining worlds, and with the decision to choose leaders and rebuild without the help of the other races, their own separate empires.
With this disconnect, the passive discontent that quietly existed previously between the races now began to surface. Stories were told on both continents of how the "other races" behaved maliciously, aggressively, or downright could not be trusted.
While the ability to rebuild the shipping lanes and contact between the two continents existed once again, a decision was made to forego contact and any previous alliance that existed between the inhabitants of either continent. The seeds of animosity had been planted, and were now growing.
As an act to protect the lands from future aggression from the dark dangerous places of Alganon, the emperor of Ardonya chose to create an organization dedicated to the study of the arcane and combative arts. Only the strongest and exceptionally skilled would be permitted entry, and they would serve as the protectors of Ardonya. They were called the Asharr. They believed protection was achieved through order, discipline, power, and control.
On the other side of the world, the same process was taking place in Xanjuix Karr by its appointed emperor. He created the elite organization of protectors for Harraja known as the Kujix. They believed strength was achieved through domination, deception, and manipulation.
The gods were the only ones who could see the unplanned balance these two organizations represented and decided they must split their allegiances with each other. Half of the gods chose to watch over the Asharr, and the other half, the Kujix.
This caused an even greater rift to form. While the two greatest powers in the world now had the ears of only half of the gods instead of all of them, the future would no doubt hold conflict once the races resumed relations and attempted to convert each other to their beliefs.
What nobody expected was the gods would do the same.
It was during the Sixth age that animosity between the gods began to develop. Their children were so plentiful and prosperous in the new world that small rifts began to form between the races and their gods. Even with the Talrok spreading the word, they could not do it fast enough, and that was only on the continent of Harraja. Ardonya had no race designed specifically for spreading the word of the gods, however the Sylvain were highly religious and respectful to their gods, and kept a balance of belief among their allied races. Despite these supportive servants, the people were beginning to lose touch with the gods, going the route of unbelievers and pagans. The gods were now fighting themselves over who should be worshipped by which races, and this began to form rifts between the gods themselves, creating two separate factions; the gods that believed in order, and the gods that believed in chaos.
A sign had to be given to the world below - to remind the children that the gods were very much alive and well, and required worship.
Those on the side of Order decided to create a new race, but this time, to create something completely unique; a masterful work of art that would always remind the races that the gods were looking down on their children.
And thus the Kodian were born, a unique bipedal race with origins from the dangerous realm of Greenwood, an ancient and dark forest. These massive and magnificent bear-like creatures attuned to nature and defense took the world by surprise. With their natural connection to nature and life, and the strength to smite those who threaten either, they were quickly befriended by the Humans, and allowed to use Asharan as their central city. Due to their strength and kindness, they were immediately accepted by all of the Ardonyan races. The side of Order had just grown more powerful, and now an imbalance existed between the side of Chaos.
In response to the Kodian, the gods on the side of Chaos choose to create a counter balance race that embodied what they thought would represent their beliefs and strengths, but more importantly, the threat that the Kodian posed to the world. And thus the Fiends were born. Dark human-like demonic servants of the gods, they were created with the ability to carry out terrible deeds and thrive on their victim's powers. Rumored to come from deep within the Smoldering Spires on the edge of the Shattered Isles, the Vesperlings immediately took a liking to the Fiends' dark ways and allowed them to take residence in their city of Trazsha.
Balance was restored, and with these two new races, the signs from the gods had been received by all. Religion spread across the lands, and soon the gods were worshipped in nearly every province. Temples were built, and soon entire realms were lavished with the protection of specific gods and their servants. Those loyal to a god that held dominion over a realm were blessed when they entered that realm.
This segregation among the gods due to the realms they took as dominion was only the beginning to a darkness that was on the horizon. Impending change was in the air.
Roughly twenty years ago, the first ship of Kujix explorers arrived on the eastern shores of Ardonya, establishing the city of Xajas Vaxx. From there, they moved inland, first encountering the humans of Farmyad. The city was immediately targeted for conversion as many additional ships arrived from Xarundas. Soon, the Kujix faced an army of Asharr, sent from the emperor himself. They were driven from Farmyad and back to Xajas Vaxx. But as the Asharr were about to drive the Kujix from Ardonya, one of the gods protecting the Kujix claimed dominion over Xajas Vaxx and intervened, warning the Asharr not to pursue. This intervention of a chaos god within the realm of Ardonya was unacceptable to those who swore to protect the children of order. The time for peace had ended.
The Great War began. While the number of Kujix was limited due to shipping delays, they were reinforced by the minions of their gods, making them formidable to the Asharr army. The battles were fought in the eastern realm of Ardarius, and lasted for months. The Asharr were so fixated on the battle they did not notice the additional footholds the Kujix established in Ardonya. Janix, Shokk, and Juxin Takk; all of these areas were quickly formed and placed under the protection of the Kujix gods.
However, the Asharr were also establishing a foothold in Harraja. Elynea was only a few weeks' sail from Maesau, a small city just south of the capital of Aeon. Undetected by the busy Kujix, the Asharr proceeded to establish three more cities; Dustport, Eysun, and Fedge. Soon the foothold was secure and the Asharr gods were watching over their children in Harraja.
Since the Asharr were fighting in territory protected by Kujix gods, they were forced to retreat from Xanjas Vaxx. However, the Kujix knew without the protection of their gods they could not defeat the forces of the Asharr, so the Kujix chose not to pursue their enemy and instead stayed within their domain.
The strategic battle for land and resources had begun. Members of the Asharr and Kujix who believed their way is the right way did whatever they could to convert their enemies to join them. The neutral cities of the world, not protected by the gods, quickly found themselves at the mercy of the ongoing battles between the two organizations.
The gods agreed that they would fight each other only in the world of Alganon, and only within their domains or through the summoning of their followers. With this new mandate, the gods began to intervene in the battles that took place in their domains raging throughout the world, not only by sending their minions to protect their children, but sometimes appearing to fight themselves at the side of those who proved to be worthy.
This is the time you live in, and this is the history which has brought you to where you are. Live well, fight for what you believe, and pay tribute to your gods - for one day, they may appear to you, and fight at your side!