To go along with our new UI we have redesigned our website to provide a new look and feel which resembles the look of the new in-game user interface. There is also great new functionality that has been added to the site. Soon players will be able to purchase Tribute through the online Tribute Market System. We're also added several great new community features on the front page, a Server Status monitor, a Recent Level Ups section that will track the community in real-time and show recent progress made by our players, and a Characters section that will announce to the world whenever a new character is created on any of the live servers. This new website greatly enhance the user experience by adding a new, easy-to-use navigation system that will allow visitors to the site to find the information they are looking for immediately.
Alganon now has a free trial! People who are interested in trying out Alganon before making a purchase will have the option to create a free trial account and play on our trial servers for up to seven (7) days. The game's seven day trial is the same build as the actual game itself. This allows players to experience the game. The goals of the trial is to provide players who are new to Alganon to experience the game, see the best features, and decide if they want to purchase the game client or not. If you like the free entry Trial, you can spend the one time cost to purchase the client to gain access to the member servers. Once you have purchased the game your account will be converted to full access status, and you can choose to transfer one or all of your characters over to one of the member servers. Transfered characters will arrive at the new server intact with everything gained on the trial server. Levels, skills, studies, items, gold, quests, everything! There is no penalty for trying Alganon before you buy.
Accessing the MyAlganon page or logging into the game tells players how many days they have left in the trial.
Trial Restrictions
Trial Popup Notifications
To remove these restrictions and become part of the lore upgrade trial players are encouraged to purchase the full game client.
You are currently logged into a trial server. The following restrictions exist for this server:
* Trades and Party Invites are restricted to mutual friends.
* Guilds have been disabled.
* You may not advance beyond level 3 in any study.
* You may not gain more than 199 points in any tradeskill.
* Actions do not count toward official contests, events, or lore.
Alganon is now Subscription Free. The player must still pay for the client, but after that they can play online without a Fee. The internal market for Alganon will be web-based. This way they can access via a browser or within the game itself.
Tribute is a new form of currency in the world of Alganon. Players will purchase tribute via the market system (either on the web or in-game) and the purchase will be deposited in their account. Tribute will be held at the account level, so any character on the player's account will be able to use the tribute which has been purchased.
* Note: All current and new Alganon players will start with 250 free tribute. This applies to purchased Alganon versions only!
Tribute | Cost (USD) |
250 | $1.45 |
500 | $2.80 |
1000 | $5.50 |
2000 | $10.90 |
5000 | $27.40 |
At Alganon's launch all merchandise will be in the form of either a Boon, or a physical item that goes into the player's inventory.
A boon is an enhancement that is not tied to an item. You purchase it from the store like an item, but it's immediately applied to a specific character or account. At release boons will revolve around Studies and Study acceleration. Study acceleration is basically a Study Time Purchase. Players will be able to buy one day of study points and allow them to define where those points go.
Many new items are being introduced into the game, which will be available for purchase using Tribute. These items fall into several categories; vanity pets, mounts, potions and elixirs, boxed item-sets, and individual items.
One Time Use Items
One time use items are kept until a player uses them. Once the item has been consumed it's gone and a new one must be purchased should the player wish to use it again. An example of a 1-time use item are potions and elixirs. Tribute potions and elixirs are designed to give the character an advantage over those readily available by crafting. For instance, Elixir of Focus will provide a bonus to the amount of experience a player receives for monster kills and quest turn-ins. There are 3 different types of Focus Elixirs that can be purchased, 5%, 10%, or 15% experience gain. All of them last for a full day.Timed Use Items
Many items have a duration associated with them. Most of these items have either a duration of seven (7) days or thirty (30) days. The item will be available to be used as often as the player desires during the entire duration. Once the duration expires the item is not lost, the player will have an option to re-activate the item by paying Maintenance on it. Timed use items include vanity pets, mounts, armor and weapons.Continued Use & Maintenance
When the duration of an item has expired the player has the option of paying maintenance on it to make it available for use again. Items that have expired will be easy to find using the Tribute Market Interface either in-game or on our website. Reactivation will be easy, just click on the item, make sure you have enough tribute in your bank, and click the "Pay maintenance" button.Permanent Items
Some items will be available to purchase for permanent use. Buy these one time and use it forever! Examples of permanent items are some vanity pets and mounts. This will allow players the flexibility to choose how long they anticipate the use of the item in question, and make a buying decision based on this information.
Refer a friend to Alganon, and when your friend purchases the client you will receive 500 free tribute! You will be able to refer your friends to Alganon through the website. Offer available only to players who have purchased Alganon.
Newly created characters will now start in the Temple of Argon (Human Asharr) or Temple of Xukiss (Talrok Kujix) - These zones will introduce players to the lore of Alganon and show them one of the deities "in person." They contain new quests, all new voice-overs and camera pathing which will allow players to get a "fly-by" view of the area.
Known as the Stonesmith of Creation, Argon carved the lands of Alganon from the primordial stone. His temples are great forges, dedicated to the arts of architecture through masonry and smithing. Argon longs for the Alganon of the past, before the destruction of the Colossus Born. His sighs of longing are often heard echoing though the night. The Temple of Argon, also known as The Forge of Creation, is built upon the following foundation:
The great Seeker of Knowledge, Xukiss is the god of information, knowledge, and study. His thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He has extended his knowledge beyond the Great Cycle of Life and Death and knows things that not even the gods were meant to know. The Temple of Xukiss, also known the Hall of Knowledge, guides students with the following teachings:
Alganon Version 2.0 features our first release of instanced content. These instances allow parties of brave adventurers to tackle advanced content with challenging boss encounters and exciting new loot! There are new quests to complete, new places to explore and new creatures to test the mettle of players of every level. New artificial intelligence (AI) and all-new monster actions will challenge the adventurer and provide a compelling and re-playable experience.
In the mountains just southeast of the Grok Ruins in the foothills is a newly forming Gnoll encampment. Kneebiter, a young, aggressive gnoll chief has taken control of the Grok Gnolls and is looking to start his own tribe of gnolls.
Location: Grok Ruins
Level: 8-12
Bosses: Underbite, Wargrowl
Level: 12-15
Bosses: Festertongue, Shaman Howltooth, Kneebiter
The Stone Hammer clan has transformed the big black rock known as Balam's Thumb into a false idol.
They believe it to be the thumb of a Colossus-born known as Balam who was punished by the gods by having his thumbs cut off so that he could never again longer wield a blade. When the gods destroyed the Colossus-born, Balam was turned to stone and shattered into millions of pieces.
They have built a temple in the nearby mountains (east of Cleft Rock and Stone Tent) and plan to move the rock to that location - they plan to assemble (Karr) Balam.
Location: Balam's Thumb
Level: 8-12
Bosses: Rockhugger, Stonewarden Argus
Level: 12-15
Bosses: Tork Skittercatch,Rock Priest Hammerface,Chieftain Stonehammer
Coven, human worshipers of Kujix gods have a stronghold in Asheran Forest.
Location: Green Mountain
Level: 19-23
Bosses: Shade of Skajix, The Avatar of Death
Level: 16-20
Bosses: Bonewarden Gargamell, Fallen Sun Brutas
Massive Strip Mines created by Talrok, now overrun by Ogran and Nidgit. The Nidgit have even started to raise Bonecrushers here to help them mine.
Location: Bur Clasp
Level: 16-20
Bosses: Bugsalaag'mik, Gaaliba'kunk
Level: 19-23
Bosses: Krash'dunn
Location: Golden Shores
Level: 23-25
Bosses: Sister Stormscale, The Tempest
Level: 30-32
Bosses: Mother Aton
This keep is currently under control of the Skik and is under assault by Aevon Boneblade's army - neither one welcomes the presence of adventurers.
Location: Telduxx Tower
Level: 44-46
Bosses: Gatekeeper Kuxx, Stonebelly Jaxx
Level: 47-50
Bosses:Warcaller Darrg, Beastkeeper Lox, Aevon Boneblade
Level: 50+
Bosses: Shorax & Arkuk, Keeper Tollj, Warlord Ha'skik
The UI has received a face lift for this release of Alganon. We've completely re-done the artwork and overhauled the interface to provide a more unique and distinct feel for Alganon. The interface is now highly customizable by the user, and provides a means to organize interface elements in any way the individual desires. In addition, millisecond accurate timestamps will allow players to analyze their combat (and other) chat logs to optimize their play style and combat effectiveness. Game mod developers can now create modifications for the Alganon UI, and we've provided a robust API for 3rd party developers to utilize. Players can also now capture screen-shots in a variety of file formats from within the game interface.
Our character creation system has also received a major upgrade, players will now be guided through an on-screen wizard to aid in the creation of new characters. This new system provides plenty of descriptions to aid in making decisions during the creation process, everything from race, to family, to class is clearly explained by the new wizard.
We've implemented a brand new Navigation and Pathfinding system for the monsters and non-player characters (NPCs) in Alganon. This new system allows these creatures to intelligently navigate through the world, whether in pursuit of players or as they go on about their daily business. The new system allows them to traverse complex geometry at any elevation in the world. Gone are the days where monsters will attack you from underground, or run through rocks and trees to pursue the unwitting adventurer!
The network transport layer has been heavily revamped.
The asset packing system (.PAK) has been completely reworked and the result is a great reduction in the time it takes to load Alganon. While load times vary widely between different systems, we've seen load times decrease by as much as 4x.
Players can now link items in our chat system. Did you just pick up a great new sword? Tell your friends and guild-mates about it by linking the item in guild chat by simple Shift-Clicking the item in your inventory, or in a loot box. Your friends will be able to click the link and see exactly what you see when you hover over the item with your mouse pointer.
Many enhancements to gameplay have been added, and existing functionality has been improved.